What happens to your business if you claim on insurance and can’t operate while repairs are undertaken? Cash flow will be strained, as plenty of your business costs (rent, for example) will continue while you are not operating. You can insure against this lost profit with a business interruption policy.
The type of business you operate will affect your policy. For example, if you were a property owner, you would insure for the value of rent you aren’t receiving if your building cannot be occupied while repairs are carried out. A bakery might insure for lost profits and payroll so they can keep qualified bakers paid and employed ready for when they start trading again.
An important thing to remember with this cover is that it generally requires a claim under the property damage section to trigger. For example, if you’re not insured for flood under your property damage section, then you won’t be covered for lost profits if the flood stops you from trading.
Aaron is our specialist in this field. He will work with you to tailor a policy to meet your needs.